Welcome to TELF. The Ever Lasting Forest is a viewing pleasure for (text-style: "shudder")+(text-style: "rumble")[your] eyes only.
Showing this entertainment to any other participant ''will'' result in immediate termination. Enjoy the show, and please, take your seats.
(Warning, this show is still in production. Everything you see here may be subject to change.)
The show will [[begin->Warning]] momentarily.
This fictional entertainment pleasure was created by TheCrystalRiver.
(if: $Begin is false)[
Oh, wait! The show has already began. You may (link: "continue.")[(undo:)]](if: $Begin is true)[
(set: $Exit_Shack to false)
(set: $Left_Drawer to true)
(set: $Right_Drawer to true)
(set: $Glass_Shard to false)
(set: $Stinky to false)
(set: $Pocket_Knife to 0)
(set: $Master_Strategist to 0)
(set: $Completionist to 0)
(set: $Eco_Friendly to 0)
(set: $ChestCheck to 0)
(set: $Stinky_Denied to 0)
(set: $Tut_Death to 0)
(set: $Achievement_Undo to 0)
(set: $Glass_Cheater to false)
Your body aches, a creaking snap causing you to awaken. You are in a rotted shack. It seems moldy and vacant. You get up, your back stiffening as you get your observations.
(if: $Begin is false and $Exit_Shack is false)[
You look around the room once more, your head growing a small headache.
(if: $Exit_Shack is true and $Begin is false)[
(if: $Master_Strategist is 1)[
You enter the shack again, your headache growing larger. But, out of the corner of your eye, you spot a [[floorboard.->Floorboard Shack]]
(if: $Master_Strategist is 2)[
You're.. Back inside the shack. The [[floorboard->Floorboard Shack]] is still there.
(if: $Master_Strategist is 3)[
Is there something I'm missing? Why do you keep coming back inside? There's a whole story out there. Perfectly curated for you. Go check it out. Or the [[floorboard!->Floorboard Shack]] That's a pretty cool thing. Yeah. Go and check that out. Please.
(if: $Master_Strategist is 4)[
(if: $Master_Strategist >= 5)[
//You got an achievement! Check it out in [[Achievements!->Achievements]]//
In front of you is two dressers. One to the [[left->Shack, Left Dresser]] and another to the [[right.->Shack, Right Dresser]] You see a [[door->Exit Shack]] to the right of you. Behind you is a [[mattress.->Shack Mattress]]
(if: $Drawer_Check >= 10)[
(set: $Completionist to 1)
//You got an achievement! Check it out in [[Achievements!->Achievements]]//
]You exit the shack, hearing quiet chirps and crickets around you. They cause a headache, a searing pain entering your mind. You barely notice the path in front of you, made of dirt and cobble. It may lead to civilization, so you should take this chance.
[[Head along the path.->Path to House]]
(link: "Go back inside.")[
(set: $Master_Strategist = $Master_Strategist + 1)
(goto: "Lost Shack")]
(set: $Exit_Shack to true)
(set: $Begin to false)(if: $Right_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
All you find is mold and wood.
(if: $Right_Drawer is true)[
Your legs carry you to the second dresser, as you find three drawers. Two of them look like they can be opened, and another drawer looks locked. You look at the top, finding it quite moldy. It is (link: "open.")[
(if: $Right_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
There's nothing in front of you. Why are you still here?
(if: $Right_Drawer is true)[
(set: $Survival_Book to true)
(set: $Right_Drawer to false)
You open the drawer with haste, finding a book inside. When you grab it, however, the dresser crumbles into mold and debris, leaving everything else inside destroyed.
//You got a Survival Book!//
]] The one below it looks (link: "locked...")[
(if: $Right_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
Nevermind, it's just a pile of rubble.
(if: $Right_Drawer is true)[
(if: $Glass_Shard is false)[
There's nothing you can do with it.
(if: $Glass_Shard is true)[
(set: $Glass_Cheater to true)
This is impossible to obtain, you filthy cheater.
]] here!] And the bottom seems (link: "open!")[
(if: $Right_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
But nobody came.
(if: $Right_Drawer is true)[
(set: $Glass_Shard to true)
(set: $Right_Drawer to false)
You open the drawer, finding broken glass inside. You reluctantly reach inside, gripping the shard in your hand. You pull back, whincing as your hand bleeds. The drawer then crumbles in front of you.
//You got a glass shard!//
(set: $Begin to false)
You can go [[back.->Lost Shack]](if: $Left_Drawer is true)[
Walking over to the left dresser, you'd look over the many drawers on it. You'd see an amount of three, with the top being (link: "locked,")[
(if: $Left_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
This drawer cannot be opened. Because it's, uh... Broken.
(if: $Left_Drawer is true)[
(if: $Glass_Shard is false)[
This drawer cannot be opened.
(if: $Glass_Shard is true)[
You can use the (link: "glass shard")[
(set: $Glass_Shard to false)
(set: $Left_Drawer to false)
(set: $Sticks = $Sticks + 1)
You open the drawer, the glass shard shattering as you do so. Inside the drawer, you'd find a stick. But in your haste, the dresser broke down in it's moldy state, leaving everything inside in dissaray.
//You got a stick!//
] to open the drawer.
(if: $Lockpick >= 1)[
You can use the (link: "lockpick")[
(set: $Lockpick = $Lockpick - 1)
(set: $Left_Drawer to false)
(set: $Sticks = $Sticks + 1)
You open the drawer, the lockpick breaking as you do so. Inside the drawer, you'd find a stick. But in your haste, the dresser broke down in it's moldy state, leaving everything inside in disarray.
//You got a stick!//
] the second being (link: "open,")[
(if: $Left_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
The contents inside are either missing or completely empty. Unfortunate :(
(if: $Left_Drawer is true)[
(set: $Food to 3)
(set: $Left_Drawer to false)
You reach out and pull the drawer open, finding four cans of food inside. Well, you'd find three of any use. One is rotten and open, with a family of cockroaches nestled inside. But in your haste, the dresser broke down in it's moldy state, leaving everything inside in dissaray.
//You got 3 rations!//
] and the third being (link: "stuck.")[
(if: $Left_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
You pull at nothing, being that nothing is in front of you.
(if: $Left_Drawer is true)[
(if: $Glass_Shard is false)[
You pull, but you fear you may break it, so for now, you leave it alone.
(unless: $Glass_Shard is false)[
You can use your (link: "glass shard")[
(set: $Glass_Shard to false)
(set: $PocketKnife to 1)
(set: $Left_Drawer to false)
You pry the drawer open with your glass shard, shattering it in the process. Inside, you find a pocket knife. You grip it in your hand, but in your haste, the dresser broke down in it's moldy state, leaving everything in dissaray.
//You got a Pocket Knife!//
] here.
(if: $Left_Drawer is false)[
(set: $Drawer_Check = $Drawer_Check + 1)
All you find are bits and pieces of wood and mold on the floor.
(set: $Begin to false)
You can step [[back.->Lost Shack]](if: $Pocket_Knife is 0)[
You walk to the mattress, finding it wet. There's a small lump inside.
(if: $Glass_Shard is true)[
You can use your (link: "glass shard")[
(set: $Glass_Shard to false)
(set: $Pocket_Knife to 1)
You cut open the mattress, reaching inside to pull out a knife. Your glass shard breaks as you do so, as you step back.
//You got a Pocket Knife!//
] to cut open the mattress.
(if: $Glass_Shard is false)[
There is nothing you can do here.
(if: $Pocket_Knife >= 1)[
There's a mattress with a hole in it.
You can head [[back.->Lost Shack]](if: $Completionist is 0)[
//Completionist - Unobtained
This one seems to be early in the game...//
(if: $Completionist is 1)[
//Completionist - Obtained
You sure love checking every nook and drawer.//
``You checked the dressers a lot after destroying them.``
(if: $Master_Strategist < 5)[
//Master Strategist - Unobtained
Thank you for enjoying the beginning like a normal player.//
(if: $Master_Strategist >= 5)[
//Master Strategist - Obtained
You must be planning for the future. Absolute perfection. There's probably like, a splinter you crush with your boot every time you enter the house, and when you come back with no shoes, it's too crushed to hurt you. I applaud your genius.//
``You entered the shack a lot.``
(if: $Eco_Friendly is 0)[
//Eco Friendly - Unobtained
You should throw things around more.//
(if: $Eco_Friendly is 1)[
//Eco Friendly - Obtained
Thank you for feeding the plants.//
``You threw food at a window.``
(if: $Bug_Enthusiast is 0)[
//Bug Enthusiast - Unobtained
You don't like bugs. Good on you.//
(if: $Bug_Enthusiast >= 3)[
//Bug Enthusiast - Obtained
What does this title even mean??//
``You checked the nightmare closet a lot.``
(if: $ChestCheck is 0)[
//Chest Check - Unobtained
Go read 'em tutorials, bucko.//
(if: $ChestCheck >= 6)[
//Chest Check - Obtained
You sure love learning how to play games. Good on you.//
``You read all the tutorials.``
1 - [[2->Achievements 2]] - [[3->Achievements 3]] - [[?->Shadow Achievements]]
(link: "Head back.")[
(set: $Achievement_Undo = $Achievement_Undo + 1)(undo:)](if: $Stinky is false)[
You go to the floorboards, finding one disturbed. You reach down to try to pull it off.
There's a... (link: "key?")[
You look down, it smells horrible. If you pick this up, it will turn the difficulty to (text-style: "sway")[stinky.]
(link: "Pick it up anyway?")[
(set: $Stinky to true)
You take the key.
(if: $Stinky is true)[
You have nothing left to do here.
Or, well.. You could (link: "put the key back.")[
(set: $Stinky to false)
(set: $Stinky_Denied to 1)
You put the key back, letting out a sigh of relief.
[[Head back->Lost Shack]](append: ?SideBar)[
[[Save Game]]
(if: $TELF_Start is true)[
]](link: "Save game to slot A")[
(if: (save-game: "Slot A"))[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[
Slot A has been saved.
(link: "Save game to slot B")[
(if: (save-game: "Slot B"))[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[
Slot B has been saved.
(link: "Save game to slot C")[
(if: (save-game: "Slot C"))[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[
Slot C has been saved.
(link: "Load slot A")[
(load-game: "Slot A")
(link: "Load slot B")[
(load-game: "Slot B")
(link: "Load slot C")[
(load-game: "Slot C")
Sorry, something has gone wrong.
(link: "Return")[(undo:)]You walk along the path, your feet scraping across the laden path. You grow tired, your aching mind barely able to keep you awake. You begin to search for some form of shelter, coming across a wooden house. There's no lights on. You walk up to the porch, finding the windows boarded and the door locked.
(link: "Try the door?")[
Again, locked.
(if: $Food >= 1)[
(link: "Throw your food at the window?")[
(set: $Food = $Food - 1)
(set: $Eco_Friendly to 1)
You throw your can of food at the boarded window, as the food falls back to your feet, it's contents spilled.
(if: $Stinky is true)[
(link: "Use the strange key?")[
It doesn't work here.
(link: "Check the sides of the house?")[
(set: $Cellar_Intro to true)
You walk around the side, looking for any point of entry. You soon come across a [[cellar.->Lost Cellar-Intro]]
](if: $Cellar_Intro is true)[
You open the cellar doors, looking inside it's awaiting maw. Light seaps into the darkness, brightening the stairs that lead further down into the cellar. You step forward, climbing down the stairs. You soon step onto the cold floor, and you find a switch.
(link: "Turn on the switch?")[
(set: $Cellar_Intro to false)
(set: $Closet_Open to false)
(set: $Tutorial_Shack to true)
It turns on the cellar's light, the swinging bulb dancing in the light it emits. You look around, finding a [[closet->LC Closet-Intro]] built into the wall, a [[door->LC Door-Intro]] to the side, a few [[shelves->LC Inventory-Intro]] on the side, and a [[bed.->LC Bed-Intro]]
(if: $Eco_Friendly is 1)[
//You got an achievement! Check it out in [[Achievements!->Achievements]]//
(if: $Cellar_Intro is false)[
You return to where you stood, looking around to find the [[closet,->LC Closet-Intro]] the [[door,->LC Door-Intro]] the [[shelves,->LC Inventory-Intro]] and the [[bed.->LC Bed-Intro]]
(if: $Closet_Open is false)[
You go to the closet, looking at the scratch marks on the wood. You hear scuttling behind it.
(link: "Open the closet?")[
(set: $Closet_Open to true)
(set: $Bug_Enthusiast to 0)
You approach the closet, opening it as thousands of bugs fly out. You fall back, hitting your head.
(live: 3s)[
You wake up, the closet door unopened and no bugs around. A nightmare..?
You shudder.]]]
(if: $Bug_Enthusiast >= 3)[
(set: _rollRandom to (random: 1,5))
(if: _rollRandom is 1)[There's no bugs here.]
(if: _rollRandom is 2)[Bugs are on strike.]
(if: _rollRandom is 3)[Bugs have moved on.]
(if: _rollRandom is 4)[But no bugs came.]
(if: _rollRandom is 5)[Bugs are now avoiding you.]
(if: $Bug_Enthusiast is 2)[
(set: $Bug_Enthusiast = $Bug_Enthusiast + 1)
You swing the door open, finding (text-style: "shudder")[nothing!]
//You get a fucking achievement. Look at it in [[Achievements]]//
(if: $Bug_Enthusiast is 1)[
(set: $Bug_Enthusiast = $Bug_Enthusiast + 1)
You are ''not'' opening this again.
(if: $Closet_Open is true and $Bug_Enthusiast is 0)[
(set: $Bug_Enthusiast = $Bug_Enthusiast + 1)
You are not opening this again.
[[Go back->Lost Cellar-Intro]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:grey))
It's locked, the door rattling around your hand.
[[Go back.->Lost Cellar-Intro]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:grey))
You go to the shelves, finding it completely empty.
You leave it alone for now.
[[Go back.->Lost Cellar-Intro]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:grey))
You go to the bed, pressing your hand against it. It's stiff.
You can sleep here.
(transition-depart: "dissolve")[[Sleep?->Tutorial Shack]]
[[Go back.->Lost Cellar-Intro]]
[[1->Achievements]] - 2 - [[3->Achievements 3]] - [[?->Shadow Achievements]]
(link: "Go back.")[
(set: $Achievement_Undo = $Achievement_Undo + 1)
(undo:)][[1->Achievements]] - [[2->Achievements 2]] - 3 - [[?->Shadow Achievements]]
(link: "Return back")[
(set: $Achievement_Undo = $Achievement_Undo + 1)
(undo:)](if: $Achievement_Undo <= 20)[
//??? - Unobtained
(if: $Achievement_Undo >= 20)[
//Achievement Undo - Obtained
You love fixing mistakes.//
(if: $Stinky_Denied is 0)[
//??? - Unobtained
(if: $Stinky_Denied is 1)[
//Stinky Denied - Obtained
Deny the stink!//
(if: $Tut_Death is 0)[
//??? - Unobtained
(if: $Tut_Death is 1)[
//Die in the Tutorial - Obtained
Now, this is either an achievement you actively searched for, or you're so curious you'd eat a cat to see if you'd land on your feet after jumping off a cliff.//
(if: $Glass_Cheater is false)[
//??? - Unobtained
You even cheated to get this message!//
(if: $Glass_Cheater is true)[
//Glass Cheater - Obtained
Filthy cheater >:(//
[[1->Achievements]] - [[2->Achievements 2]] - [[3->Achievements 3]] - ?
(link: "Return back")[
(set: $Achievement_Undo = $Achievement_Undo + 1)
(undo:)](if: $Tutorial_Shack is true)[
(align:"=><=")+(box:"==XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX========")[You're in a shack.]
(align:"<==")+(box:"=======XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[It reminds you much of one you've seen before.]
In front of you lays a chest, closed but not locked. You reach forward to open it, revealing the contents inside.
Inside the chest lays a (link: "Pocket Knife,")[
(set: $ChestCheck = $ChestCheck + 1)
//Tutorial - Damage
In this show, you will encounter defenseless, neutral and hostile enemies. You may need to damage them. To do this, you have multiple weapons. You can always inspect your weapons in your inventory. For the pocket knife, which you hold in your hands, does two damage. It has a critical chance of four damage, and always attacks first. When fighting, if you have your pocket knife on your body and a free hand, you will be given a prompt to attack first.//
] a (link: "Fireman's Axe,")[
(set: $ChestCheck = $ChestCheck + 1)
//Tutorial - Inventory Management: Hands
In the show, you have limited space for inventory. You will always have two spaces on your body for inventory, no matter your situation. Your left and your right hands are these spaces. These two spaces count as "Big Inventory" spaces. They can hold one big or small item respectively. Together, they can hold one "Giant" item. This will take both hands to carry. The item you are holding now is a Fireman's Axe. This is a special case, as it is a big ``and`` a giant item. When held with one hand, it deals three damage with no critical chance, but with both hands, it deals four damage. It has a critical chance of five damage, with a bleeding effect.//
] (link: "Small Bandages,")[
(set: $ChestCheck = $ChestCheck + 1)
//Tutorial - Inventory Management: Clothes
In this show, you can have added inventory space through clothes or bags with pockets. You currently have shorts with two pockets. These, however, can only carry small items. Small Bandages are small items, and you can carry one in each pocket. These bandages are good for an emergency situation, and are always good to carry. You may find backpacks or other bags on your journey. Depending on the bag, you will gain extra inventory space.//
] a (link: "Medkit,")[
(set: $ChestCheck = $ChestCheck + 1)
//Tutorial - Health and Healing
In the show, you will have only three hearts. These will ``never`` increase infinitely, but they can increase temporarily through clothes, food, or other cases. Upon 0 health, you will (depending on your difficulty) die, pass out, or spawn back at your shelter. When taking damage, you may have an item to heal. A medkit is a good solution, for it will heal maximum capacity (Your 3 hearts) and 1 temporary heart if you have the space for one. They are big items however, so it may be too hard to carry.//
] one (link: "Lockpick,")[
(set: $ChestCheck = $ChestCheck + 1)
//Tutorial - Locks and Picks
In this show, you will come across locks. They can be broken, but I'd advise against it. This is a more silent option, as having a lockpick and using it will start a random minigame out of 3 different options. One you have to quickly press a link that pops up, another you memorize the link that shows, and one where you have to press the correct link. These will be shown in more detail later.//
] and a (link: "Flashlight.")[
(set: $ChestCheck = $ChestCheck + 1)
//Tutorial - Item: Usage
Some items have durability, such as a flashlight. In these cases, you may have a weak flashlight that won't work for too long. This is a medium sized flashlight, which will work for 7 rooms, give or take. You may spot new rooms or items when using a flashlight, but sometimes it's not always a good idea to shine a light into a deep cavern with growling eminating within.//
[[What a strange chest.->Tutorial Shack 2]]
(if: $ChestCheck is 6)[
//You got an achievement. Check it out in [[Achievements!->Achievements]]//]
(if: $Tutorial_Shack is false)[
Yep, nothing is here still.
[[Go back outside, you nitwit.->Tutorial Plains]]]''Warning.''
This //will// reset your game if you already have progress and/or have not saved.
If you do not want to reset your game, go back to the menu.
(link: "Go back.")[(undo:)]
If you wish to continue anyway, enjoy the show.
(link: "Continue anyway. (One last warning.)")[
(link: "Start the Show.")[(set: $Begin to true)(goto: "Lost Shack")]
You can also skip the tutorial.
(link: "Skip Tutorial")[(set: $TELF_Start to true)(goto: "Lost Cellar")](if: $Tutorial_Shack is true)[
//Tutorial - Exploration
In the show, you may need to move about a 3x3 grid. You will be able to view the map at any time, (not yet), and see your location. Sometimes, a grid will contain a cave, house, or any other strange shelter, which will lead you to a smaller or bigger grid location. This will ``not`` contain a map, unless a map is found or provided to the player.//
//Tutorial - Energy
In this show, you may need to move to a different grid. Moving a grid causes noise and uses one turn. A turn is when all other enemies and etc. move. Energy is not a turn. Energy is something you can do which will not affect time. If you need to do something, but have no energy for it, you can use a turn to do the action you requested. To refill energy, you need to eat which will gradually raise energy over time.//
//Tutorial - Turns
When you are in a grid, you can do multiple actions. The following actions are a few you may encounter... Moving a grid, searching a grid, hiding, listening, and collecting items.
Moving and searching both use turns, while the rest may use energy. Searching a grid will reveal items, tracks or better hiding places. A hiding place may work ineffectively if you have not found a good place to hide (via searching), and you may be found. Listening will alert you to neutral and hostile enemies. Defenseless need to be found by searching. Collecting an item neither uses energy nor turns, unless the item is giant.//
You, currently, are in the middle of a grid. To the left, above, down, and to the right are all grids to move to. Next to you is a shack.
(link: "Move")[
(set: $Tutorial_Shack to false)
[[Shack->Tutorial Shack]]
[[Up->Tutorial Plains-Filler Up]]
[[Left->Tutorial Plains-Death]]
[[Down->Tutorial Plains-Filler Down]]
[[Right->Tutorial Plains-End]]
(link: "Search")[
There's nothing here.
(link: "Hide")[
There's no reason to.
(link: "Listen")[
You wait, listening...
You hear something loud to the left.
](link: "Move")[
[[Left->Tutorial Plains-Death]]
[[Down->Tutorial Plains]]
[[Right->Tutorial Plains-End]]
(link: "Search")[
You find nothing.
(link: "Hide")[
There's no reason to.
(link: "Listen")[
You hear something very, very close to the left of you.
](set: $Tut_Death to true)
You walk right into the gaping maws of death.
[[Whoops.->Tutorial End]]When you look at all the items, you realize you cannot touch them. Let alone, they never seemed to exist. You step back, finding the chest gone. To the right of you is a door, leading to who know's where.
[[Enter the door.->Tutorial Plains]]You hear very loud stomping behind you as you move to the next grid. A loud yell is heard behind you, as you run in the opposite direction. You trip, landing on your back as you pass out.
(transition-depart: "dissolve")[[You feel very warm...->Tutorial End]](text-style: "sway")[
You awake, your headache returning ever stronger.
(align:"<==")+(box:"=X")[Where are you?]
Who are you?
(align:"<==")+(box:"=XX=")[You're in a bed, inside of what seems to be a cellar.]]
(link: "Look around.")[(set: $TELF_Start to true)(goto: "Lost Cellar")](link: "Move")[
[[Left->Tutorial Plains-Death]]
[[Up->Tutorial Plains]]
[[Right->Tutorial Plains-End]]
(link: "Search")[
You find nothing.
(link: "Hide")[
There's no reason to.
(link: "Listen")[
You hear something very, very close to the left of you.
The room in front of you contains a [[closet,->LC Closet]] a [[door,->LC Door]] a few [[shelves,->LC Inventory]] and a [[bed.->LC Bed]](if: $Inventory is true)[
''Health: $Health''
''Energy: $Energy''
''Defense: $Defense''
(link: "Return")[(undo:)](set: $Inventory_Player to (a:))
(set: $Left_Hand to (a:))
(if: $Left_Hand is 2)[(set: $Left_Hand to it - $Left_Hand's 2nd)]
(set: $Right_Hand to (a:))
(if: $Right_Hand is 2)[(set: $Right_Hand to it - $Right_Hand's 2nd)]
(set: $Backpack to (a:))
(if: $Backpack is 3)[(set: $Backpack to it - $Backpack's 3rd)]
(set: $Clothes to (a:))
(if: $Clothes is 3)[(set: $Clothes to it - $Backpack's 3rd)]